Hi, I’m Billie and I am going to do a blog for you.
My favorite part of school is when we take spelling challenges. A spelling challenge is when you have a sheet, and you are trying to spell words correctly. My teacher gives me the words and you can practice by cutting and gluing and putting it together in a sort. You can also practice by reading them out loud. This week I went outside, got some chalk, and then wrote all of my spelling words. Then I took a picture for Seesaw.
I also like Free Project Time. Free Project time is when you can make anything that you want to make. It’s really fun. I have made a purse that was really cool. I made it out of bubble wrap and hot glue. Then you can carry things in it! It was so cool! You can also work with a friend if you want. This week, Isa and I started sewing. We made a pillow that was really fluffy. We actually had stuffing!
I also like storytime! Today we read Redwoods. I learned something really cool about the trees. One of the trees is 379.1 feet! It was so cool. I haven’t even seen a tree that tall!! We are learning about National Parks with Zane. I learned a lot from Zane. It’s really cool to experience a lot of new stuff!

Thank you for reading this post! SCHOOL IS COOL!!
Pearl aka BBB aka Billie
Billie Girl, This is great! Very talented!!
Love You So Very Much!!
Happy Weekend!!